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Leadership Development

Many church planters and lay leaders in India are not trained theologically, so there is often poor discipling, leadership and teaching in remote village churches. LOAM conducts training programs for pastors and also offers evangelism training for their congregations so that they can evangelize in their own language. This training is effectively giving pastors the Biblical training they need to pastor the new church plants while also training the people to fulfill the Great Commission together.

Give a Pastor a Bike

In the work of evangelism a church planter is working in several villages at a time. They have to walk from one village to another and in the rural areas we do not have transportation facilities. Therefore, Motorbikes and bicycles are economical and easy to maintain. So we need to provide our evangelists bicycles and motorbikes to reach many villages. A BICYCLE for an evangelist costs $120 and a MOTORBIKE costs $1500.

Support Pastors' Training Program 

Would you please help us train and equip untrained pastors with sound teachings with your monthly support and prayer so that they can do what God has called them to do?
All the donations can be added together so nothing is too small.
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Love One Another Ministries

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South Korea Phone: +82 010-5817-1504


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Registered Charity in India:  No. – 1091/06


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